Firearms and Hunting

Hydrographics for Firearms and Hunting

Enhance your firearms and hunting gear with Water Transfer Printing coatings that boost concealment and elevate your hunting game.

Premium Hydrographic Films for Firearms and Hunting Gear

TWN Industries elevates your hunting products with Water Transfer Printing films and coatings for firearms and other hunting gear. Our coating process is used on rifle stocks and chassis, shotguns, compound bows, knives, hunting dog kennels, and more.

The top firearm manufacturers and sporting goods brands use Water Transfer Printing to apply high-end camouflage patterns to their products. Out coatings are known for their shelf appeal and their durability and effectiveness in the field.

Whether out in the mountains hunting big horn sheep, in a tree stand, or at the range, hydrographics delivers personalization to your equipment with precision and style.

Benefits of Water Transfer Printing for Firearms and Hunting

Virtus Ekho Hydro Dipped Rifle

Increase Product Differentiation

Outdoor products need to blend in on the hunt. But what about on the store shelf? Water Transfer Printing helps brands increase the value and demand of their products.

Go Wild Camo Rifle

Improve Hunter Concealment

For hunters, staying hidden from wildlife is pivotal. Hydrographics for firearms and hunting help you blend seamlessly into your surroundings and match your hunting apparel.

Hydrographic Film Durable Firearm Duck Hunt

Exceptional Durability

Water Transfer Printing protects from corrosion, UV light, and abrasion and can be applied to polymer, carbon fiber, metal, fiberglass, and more. As a result, Water Transfer Printing is used by the top firearms manufacturers in the world.

Proven Applications in the Firearms and Hunting Industry

Kryptek Hydro Dipped Rifle Skyfall

Hunting and Competition Rifles

Let’s face it, hunters spend all this money investing in top-performing hunting clothing. They want their rifles and other gear to match. Water Transfer Printing helps them do just that.

Duck Camo Ultimate Shotgun Hydro Dip


TWN’s Duck Camo pattern performs exceptionally well on shotguns used for hunting waterfowl. It has 3 different color variations designed for tall grasses, flooded timber, or varied terrain.

Badlands Approach Hydro Dipped Cooler

Coolers and Outdoor Gear

Water Transfer Printing is extremely versatile. You can decorate cooler lids, hunting knives, trail cameras, and more with your favorite camouflage patterns.

Huntworth Tarnen Compound Bow

Compound and Recurve Bows

Hydrographics for firearms and hunting is applied to bows to give them a custom look and improve concealment in the field. This allows avid deer hunters to go unseen in their tree stands or while stalking on foot.

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