Virtus Outdoor Group

Virtus Outdoor Group

About Virtus Outdoor Group

Virtus is a veteran-owned outdoor apparel company that designs and develops tactical and extreme outdoor gear. Virtus is backed by an elite team of special forces operators, active duty military personnel, emergency responders, and professional riflemen, archers, and athletes.

Virtus Outdoor Group is a hybrid brand that combines cutting-edge camouflage technology with high-performance athletic and tactical apparel.

Virtus Camouflage Technology

Virtus is the newest innovation in multi-environment tactical and hunting camouflage. These hybrid designs combine ancient art and modern science into one cutting-edge concealment pattern. Virtus Outdoor Group (VOG) developed their camouflage patterns by re-engineering the armor of old world warriors and integrating a series of concealment layers into the design.

The armor that was once used in combat centuries ago is now built for today’s warrior.

Virtus Customizer

Rifle Dipped in Virtus TARIIS Hydro Dipping Film


Buy Virtus TARIIS

Select a Pattern

  • Tariis

  • Ekho

  • Nyx

  • Talos

  • Delos

Dip Your Gear in Virtus

Want to customize your rifle, bow, optics, and other hard goods in our Virtus Water Transfer Printing films? We have a network of over 1,400 TWN Certified Processor who can dip your gear!

Find a Certified Processor

Revolutionary Camouflage + Modern Fashion

Virtus is a high-octane adventure apparel company that is known for their innovative concealment patterns and sleek, high-performance clothing.

For special forces operators around the world, effective camouflage can mean the difference between life and death. On the other hand, extreme athletes demand high-performance apparel that stands out from the crowd. With over 5 unique colorations, Virtus provides the best of both worlds.

Virtus Camouflage Apparel

Every Environment. Every Mission.

Old-world armor. New-world tech. Whether you are embarking on a mission in arid terrain, forest environments, or at night; Virtus will give you the tactical advantage. Virtus Outdoor Group concealment patterns adorn even the highest-grade military gear.

Virtus Outdoor Group Patterns

Learn More About Virtus

Want to learn more about TWN's partnership with Virtus Outdoor Group and the release of our Virtus Water Transfer Printing films? Join us as we take a deeper dive into the Virtus brand and the innovation, ingenuity, and dedication that drives the VOG engine. #FORTHEBRAVE